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Pianos are quite sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity which can cause your piano to become out of tune. As will heavy and continuous playing. The age of the piano is also a factor, in older pianos due to the condition of the tuning pins and the pinblock and in younger pianos sometimes there is tuning instability due to the strings stretching. It should also be noted that as pianos age and wear, they may be less able to happily hold concert pitch of A440hz (concert pitch).

When we arrive to tune your piano we will assess the condition and age of the piano, discuss and advise, if necessary, as to whether we can tune to concert pitch or if it is better to tune the piano to itself at a slightly lower pitch. Contact us on our home page if you have an enquiry or see below for our tuning services.

Standard tuning.

For a standard tuning, usually we allow about 2 hours. Regular piano tuning is important to the tuning stability of your instrument.

It's recommended that you have your piano tuned twice a year. Normally when you tune your piano regularly, you avoid the need for a pitch raise.

Get Noted - Peter, tuning.jpg
Peter, tuning.jpg
Get Noted - Renee tuning.jpg

Pitch Correction.

A  piano that is more  than a few hertz  flat  will need a pitch  correction which involves a longer appointment  and greater adjustments to be made to the piano. If some years have passed since your last tuning, 1 or more pitch  corrections  may be needed to re-establish the desired pitch and tuning stability of your piano.


Pitch Correction
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